Vote for These Candidates Who Adhere to Constitutional Authority
President: Donald Trump
NC11 Congress: Christian Reagan https://www.reaganforcongress.com/
NC Gov: Mark Robinson https://www.markrobinsonfornc.com/
NC Lt Gov: (11 candidates) Alan Mashburn https://allenmashburn4nc.com/
NC Auditor: Jim Kee https://www.jimkeenc.com/
NC Commissioner of Agriculture: Steve Troxler https://www.stevetroxler.com/
NC Commissioner of Insurance: Mike Causey https://mikecauseync.com
NC Commissioner of Labor: Luke Farley https://www.luke4labor.com/
NC Sec of State: Chad Brown: https://electchadbrown.com/
NC Superintendent of Public Instruction: Michelle Morrow: A Trusted and Proven Conservative.
Michele Morrow is the only candidate in the race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction with a proven record of winning the fight for conservatism.
NC Treasurer: Rachel Johnson
NC Court of Appeals Judge Seat 15: Chris Freeman: https://chrisfreemanforjudge.com/
Henderson County Board of Commissioners District 2: Sheila Franklin Zoning is the big issue. SheilaFranklinforHC.com
Henderson County Board of Commissioners District 5: Jay Egolf
https://www.egolf4hc.com/home. Jay will protect your property investment with sensible and balanced zoning. If you care about zoning in Henderson, Jay's Your Guy!
Henderson County Board of Education: (vote for 4) These four are Conservative and will protect our kids from Leftists and the porno and transgender agenda they are pushing on our kids. So will Michele Morrow, Candidate for Public Instruction. Not so with her opponent who signed off on CRT among other things on the social studies standards.
Kathy G. Revis
Beth Campbell
Robert Bridges
Amy Lynn Holt
City of Hendersonville City Council
D J Harrington
Colby Corn
Paid for by Asheville Tea PAC and not by any candidate or candidates’ committee.