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Wake County Elections Director & BOE Sued: Unconstitutional Retaliation Against Elections Observer

Updated: Apr 26, 2023


Contact: Lynn Bernstein, Transparent Elections NC, 910-764-8328

Tyler Brooks, attorney, 336-707-8855

Case # 5:22-cv-00277-BO

Link to Complaint:

RALEIGH, NC – A well-respected Wake County elections observer filed a lawsuit today against the Director of Elections for Wake County, Gary Sims; and against the Wake County Board of Elections, seeking relief and redress for actions that have deprived her of her constitutional rights. The Complaint lists several egregious actions by Director Sims and the board that were taken against Lynn Bernstein, founder of Transparent Elections NC, but focuses on a May 14th trespass notice issued to her, without cause, by order of Director

Sims. This trespass notice has the effect of banning Ms. Bernstein for life from observing elections, attendingB oard of Elections meetings, serving as a poll worker, or voting in person at any early voting site or at her precinct because she will be arrested if she steps foot on property under the control of the Wake County Board of Elections.

Please check out Lynn Bernstein's website with invaluable information on election integrity:


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